Writing Through the Soul: My Thoughts on Spiritual Gurus

Writing Through the Soul: Why Are there So Many Spiritual Gurus?



Why are there so many spiritual gurus these days? My thoughts on this are because the world is changing for the better. Many people are rediscovering their spiritual side. This is a glorious thing for humanity. We all have our own paths to walk. Each person needs to discover their path for themselves.


It’s difficult to walk down the path of spirituality. Many people have no idea of where to even start. That is why there are so many spiritual gurus out there today. They are there as nothing more than a guide to help people find their path. In my opinion, you should have several spiritual gurus, each with different philosophies. This will help you as you grow in your journey. Take what you learn and make it your own.


Writing Through the Soul: My Thought on Spiritual Gurus



A Spiritual Guru can only tell you his or her truth and the path they have followed. They do this hoping if you follow the same path it will work for you. That is never true because everyone is unique and has their own path to follow. Some parts may work for you because you are similar, but no two people will ever see things the same way.


All my life I have been searching for the answers. I have read thousands of books, listened to hundreds of lectures, and read many so call spiritual manuals. The one thing I have realized is that you have to find it for yourself. You are your best guide. Meditation is the way to go. Discover what type of meditation works for you and go with it. Listen to your intuition and guides. Look for the signs and follow them. That is my best advice for anyone looking for enlightenment.

Content by Brenda Marie Fluharty ©2021 all rights reserved


Photos from Pixabay.com




2 thoughts on “Writing Through the Soul: My Thoughts on Spiritual Gurus

  1. A good spiritual guru should be able to guide you through YOUR path. Let's go a little sideways.A religious leader should be able to guide you to greater understanding and belief even if it's NOT their religion. (Now, I am not saying all will do so- many cringe when approached by [what they consider to be] a non-believer.) I have seen and worked with many like that. I think a spiritual guru – to be so monikered- requires that ability, too.

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