What is Grounding and Earthing?


What is Grounding and Earthing?


In this hectic world, people have lost touch with the Earth. They have lost their connection with the planet. Grounding is reconnecting to the energy flow of the Earth. Grounding is your body getting the positive energy from the Earth.


Earthing is another name for grounding. There is a minor difference between Earthing and grounding. Earthing is actually having skin contact with the Earth. Walking barefoot, playing in the sand, or gardening is Earthing. Grounding does not always mean you have skin contact with the Earth.




Benefits of Grounding or Earth


Remove negative energy
Reduce stress and anxiety
Lower blood pressure
Help with insomnia
Help focus

What Are The benefits of Grounding or Earth?


There are many benefits, both spiritual and physical to grounding or Earthing. Earthing actually having physical contact with the earth helps to remove negative energy from your body. It has proven grounding helps reduce stress. It may also help lower blood pressure. Earthing or grounding can help with sleep issues as well.


Earthing and grounding have become noticed for positive health effects.  Researchers are testing to see if it helps with inflammation issues. There is reason to believe grounding helps with depression or anxiety and may even be helpful in reducing harmful addictions.


Earthing and ground can help you focus better. It can be helpful in aliening your body’s energy. Grounding helps you connect to the spirit realms and deepens meditation practices. Grounding is done before starting any spiritual practice.


Earthing and grounding are very beneficial practices to take up. You should try to do them every day. Earthing and grounding daily will help you live a better life by reducing your stress and helping you sleep better. Grounding helps you stay focused and work better.


Guided Meditation for Grounding


Find a quiet space, where you can be alone with your thoughts. Close your eyes, allowing your body to relax and your mind to focus on the present moment. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale slowly, imagine yourself standing on the shore of a vast, majestic ocean.

Feel the sensation of the cool, wet sand under your feet, grounding you to the earth. With each breath, allow your body and mind to become more deeply connected to the energy and rhythm of the ocean. Hear the gentle lapping of the waves, the rhythmic sound soothing your thoughts and easing any tension in your body.

As you stand on the shore, imagine the ocean stretching out before you, its vastness representing endless possibilities and infinite wisdom. Feel the immense strength and power of the ocean, recognizing that you too are part of this greater universe, connected to everything that exists.

Visualize the waves as they roll towards the shore, crashing gently against the sand. As each wave recedes, imagine it carrying away any negativity, stress, or worries within you. Release them, allowing the ocean to cleanse and purify your mind and body.

With each breath, inhale the salty, rejuvenating air, filling your lungs with freshness and vitality. As you exhale, release any lingering tension or negativity, surrendering it to the vastness of the ocean. Feel a sense of lightness and freedom as you let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Become still and present in this moment, fully immersed in the sensation of being grounded by the ocean’s immense power and energy. Allow the sound of the crashing waves, the smell of the salty air, and the feeling of the sand beneath your feet to anchor you in the present moment.

With gratitude, offer your appreciation to the ocean for its ability to ground and nourish your soul. Recognize that this connection to the ocean can be accessed anytime, providing you with a sense of stability, clarity, and peace.

Whenever you need grounding, remember that the ocean is always present within you. Its strength, wisdom, and tranquility reside within your core, waiting to be tapped into. Allow this connection to bring you peace, grounding you in the present moment, and reminding you of the vastness and beauty that lies within.


I hope this article gave you a better understanding of Earthing and grounding, and the wonderful health benefits you can get from doing them. I hope it encourages you to get started Earthing and grounding for a better way of living. Thank-you for reading.


Much love and light

Brenda Marie



Content by Brenda Marie Fluharty ©2021 all right reserved
Photos from pixabay.com



13 thoughts on “What is Grounding and Earthing?

  1. Great post! Lia practices Earthing without even realizing it. Maybe that's why she is always so happy and full of positive energy! We just had a major rain storm and she was outfit playing in her sand table that had filled with water. What a great time she had and no stress!

  2. There was a time when I walked around in barefoot all the time. I hurt my foot badly and I have had trouble walking ever since, so I do not do it any more. I have to go outside and walk in the grass carefully.

  3. I enjoy spending time out in nature, especially hiking in the woods as a walking meditation. Earthing and grounding in nature definitely helps me de-stress and relax. Thanks for sharing this very important topic on your blog.

  4. I was just noticing Roy's comment, because I walk without shoes, too. I love grounding meditations and crystals and other things that are grounding. But unfortunately, I don't get outside to do any earthing very often. Great article, though, and it's good to know research is being done so more people will know about their benefits. I'm glad you are putting the word out, too!

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