Why Do You Blog?

I am joining in Sadje’s Sunday Poser which asks the simple question “Why do you blog?”

Why do I blog?

I blog for many reasons. I love reading other blogs and meeting other people who enjoy writing. Over the years, I have made many friends through blogging. Some of them have followed me for over fifteen years.

Writing Through the soul is a writing blog. I enjoy writing on different topics. I have had a lifelong passion for poetry. Both reading and writing poetry bring joy into my life. Enjoying writing challenges has brought a tremendous interest in writing and reading flash fiction.

A deep desire to share my wisdom and knowledge about my spiritual journey also keeps me blogging. While spiritual growth has caused me to rethink so of what I have blogged about in the past. I still keep go blogging. I feel that by blogging I am helping people. That is the most important reason why I blog.

Why not join in and let us all know why you blog.

Thank-you for reading.

Much love and light.

Brenda Marie

4 thoughts on “Why Do You Blog?

  1. Helping others by blogging. We may never know how we might influence others by our blog. I always hope mine will bring some laughs.
    Sometimes I follow a blog that is completely off my life style or beliefs. I think that helps me/us become more compassionate

  2. Thanks Brenda for sharing your thoughts. Your reasons for starting a blog are good ones indeed. Sharing our experiences and thoughts is a good way to help others.

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