A Father’s Love Lives On

When my son was born, my father was in the hospital dying. He made it almost a whole before he left this world. I was only 24. He got to see his grandson. But he did not get to watch him grow up. My son is a lot like my father. This poem is about the two of them.


A Father’s Love Lives On


A love so near, yet so far.

I lost you way too soon, father dear.

A father’s love is so important to a child.

Alright, I know I was wild.

But, losing a father at 24.

That is a little much for anyone to endure.


Although some tried to take your place.

Your death is still hard for me to face.

I realize a father’s love can come from Heaven above.


I see you in the smile on my son’s face.

In his artwork that he loves.

You are a part of him

And he is a part of you.


But, I still feel blue

He did not have time to spend with you.


Thank-you for reading,

Much Love and Light,

Brenda Marie

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