Halfway Through 2021 How is the Writing Going?

Halfway Through 2021 How is the Writing Going?

Halfway through the year how is the writing going? Time flies the older you get, and this year is going by fast. At the beginning of the year, I promised myself I would write more than I did in 2020. I wrote 158 posts last year. The 158 posts included all the sites I post my work on. After going back and counting them, I wrote more than I had thought.

A Breakdown of 2020’s Writing

In 2020 I posted 158 posts. I write poetry, flash fiction, and articles. Looking back with everything that was going on in my life, it surprised me to realize I had written 158 posts. This while getting used to a whole new routine in a new home.

Breakdown of 2020’s Writing

85 articles

14 flash fiction stories

59 poems

2020 was not that bad of a year as far as my writing went. Promising myself at the beginning of 2021, I would do a lot better with my writing. Needing to figure out a plan for my writing. I have a lot more to do in my new home. I have a big yard here that needs to be taken care of as well. Still have not come up with a writing plan I am happy with.

Halfway Through 2021 How is the Writing Going?

Here we are halfway through 2021 already. I took a look at my writing so far for the year. I wanted to see how much I had written. I needed to know if I was keeping my promise to myself. I had a minor setback when I was locked out of my google account for four months.

I am thrilled to say I hit my goal of writing more this year in the first six months of the year. Having made 214 posts this year so far. I just counted them while writing this article. I totally surprised myself, I had written 214 posts. I can hardly believe it. It doesn’t seem like I wrote that many. But this was over the past six months. I can hardly wait to see what I end up writing in the next six months. I do plan on writing mostly articles for the rest of the year.

Breakdown of 2021’s Writing For the First Six Months

115 poems

15 flash fiction stories

84 articles

I am thrilled with my writing so far this year. Being a poet at heart and I enjoy writing poetry. I want to spend more of my time writing articles and flash fiction. That is what I plan on mostly writing in the second half of this year.

Do you keep track of your writing?

How much writing did you do this year so far?

Thank-you for reading. Much love and light

Brenda Marie

Content  and photos by Brenda Marie Fluharty ©2021 all rights reserved

6 thoughts on “Halfway Through 2021 How is the Writing Going?

  1. Great progress! I have tried endless schedules and plans and never quite nailed it. Life has A habit of getting in the way, but if you really enjoy it there’s always a way ive found. Currently I get up extra early to write and Put that time aside

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