Poem: How Did I Forget Who I am!



How Did I Forget Who I am!

How did I forget who I am!
How is it possible to forget me?
Am I that different from whom
I was all those years ago?
If, I look will I find me?

If I pull back all the pain.
If look through the rain.
Will I find I am insane?
Why can’t I find me?

Where did that sweet soul go?
She must still be there somewhere.
Is she hiding deep in the depths of the past?
You know, nothing ever last.

Did I change so much over the years?
I do not even recognize myself?
This could be a good thing!
Or, this could be a bad thing.
No one knows what tomorrow will bring.

Do I really need to search the past?
To figure out who I really am.
We change every day.
Sometimes for the better.
Sometimes for the worse.

One thing is for sure
Nothing ever last too long.



Content by Writer Brenda Marie Fluharty©2019 all right reserved
Photo from pixabay.com

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