Poem: Loving Someone With a Mental Illness

I never know if it’s going to be him or not.

At any given moment, my life could turn

Into a living hell.

He does not know if it is really me.

I am not sure what he sees.

Some days he loves and brings great joy,

Those are the days when he is himself.

Then, there are days when he talks to people who are not there.

Days when he does not walk in this world

But one that only he can see.

There are times I wish I did not care as much as I do.

I love him, but it’s difficult living with someone

Who’s only there part of the time.

Only time will tell where his illness will take him.

Until I can no longer take what the illness is doing to him,

I will be there and take care of him.

Content by Brenda Marie Fluharty©2023 all right reserved

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