Writing Through the Soul: If it Was Easy

Writing Through the Soul: If it Was Easy The Ultimate Blogging Challenge

You know the old saying, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.  That kind of applies to my life.  I have not been having the best of luck with things.  It seems like every time I try to do the Ultimate Blogging Challenge something happens to my computer.  This time was no different that is why I missed a  few days.

My computer kept turning off by itself and I was not sure what was going on.  Then, one time it would not come back on at all.  Not a good thing to happen at all. Lucky for me it turned out it was just the power cord.  That did not take that much to replace.  The funny thing is that type of thing has happened to me many times over the years.   But, I never stop.


Writing Through the Soul: If it Was Easy Blogging

Over my many years of blogging, I have had many different blogs on many different subjects. I admit it has taken me some time to find my niche so to speak.  I love writing of any type.  I have lost some blogs do to technical issues and I have just replaced other blogs. I love to write poetry, short stories and nonfiction articles, mostly having to do with a spiritual topic in nature

I am happy to say that Writing Through the Soul pretty much covers everything.  The other day I reached my 500th post with United We Stand.  This has been a first for me ever.  Maybe, my luck is changing.

Writing Through the Soul: If it Was Easy Books

This was meant to be the cover of my second book  A book that I have come to realize will never be published.  I paid a company to edit and publish the book.  After trying for over a year I still have heard nothing back from them.My advice, self-publish, never pay to have your book published.


You all may be wondering, why is she telling us all of this.  It seems this poor woman has had nothing but trouble with her writing.  I am telling you all of this to prove a point. Or at least have people understand something.  Writing is my dream.  I have made it a huge part of my life.  Yes, I have had many ups and downs.  But, one thing has always stayed the same.  I have never given up on my dream.  I believe in divine timing and I do know things are going to start happening for me.  I feel as though my luck has changed and with all of the knowledge and wisdom I have gained over the years, it’s going to happen soon.  I believe everything happens for a reason.  I went through all I had to so I would gain the knowledge and wisdom to succeed.  I am hoping by sharing all of this, I help at least one person , who is thinking about giving up on their dreams, not give up.


Much Love and Brenda Marie


10 thoughts on “Writing Through the Soul: If it Was Easy

  1. You go girl. Experience, like hindsight, gives us 20/20 vision. We have to live to learn. And writing has been a savior for me throughout my life, so I get it. 🙂

  2. I’ve missed a few days this month too in the UBC. Life seems to have other plans every time I want to do this. Things just get super busy. But the great thing about the challenge and group is that they are cheering each of us one and are there to support our writing journeys.

  3. I admire the way you are not giving up on your dreams! I have been tempted to do so, myself, a time or two. And similarly to you, I also have had A LOT of blogs. 🙂

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