Poem: The Moon

In shadows cast upon the night’s grand stage,
There dances the moon, in silent grace,
A luminous orb, with silvered face,
Enchanting all with its celestial embrace.

A gentle glow in the velvet sky,
A beacon of hope as darkness draws nigh,
It whispers secrets to the dreaming eye,
And spins tales of worlds beyond the high.

In its phases, a cosmic ballet unfurls,
A cycle of light, a dance with the worlds,
From crescent to full, its radiance swirls,
A timeless symphony, where magic twirls.

Oh, moon, you’re a muse to poets’ verse,
A symbol of love, a celestial nurse,
You pull the tides with a gentle hearse,
And guide lost souls through the universe.

So, let us bask in your ethereal gleam,
As you reign supreme in the midnight’s scheme,
In your tranquil glow, we find our dream,
Beneath your gaze, life’s mysteries teem.

Thank-you for reading.

Much love and light,

Brenda Marie

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