Poem: Long into the Night

I have always been a night owl. There is just something special about the quiet of the night time I enjoy. I have also found throughout my life that I am more creative at night. Here is a poem about my love for writing during the night.


Long into the Night



Long into the night, the juices pour from my pen.

I create the words of soul needing to be understood.

They appear with simplicity and endurance.


I scribble deep into the night with considerable delight.

Inspiration from above, many would say.

I write during the night, not the day.

This is just my way. What can I say?

For me, writing is my performance for all the world to see.


In the bleakest hours, my muse flowers.

My muse has night power.

It devours my mind in the dark hours.

I feel stable when the accounts stream at midnight.

It is just my luck to have a muse who is a night owl.


Content by Brenda Marie Fluharty ©2021 all rights reserved

Photo from Pixabay.com

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